The First Night Out!

For the first time since New Year’s Eve 2010, 6 days before we found out I was preggo, I went out! For drinks….with friends…..and no baby.  It was my friend Cath’s birthday and Richard encouraged me to go out and offered to look after the baby through the night.  I wasn’t sure if I was ready.  I’m not organised enough to express in advance, so that would mean that my baby would have three bottles of formula in a row, rather than her usual one a day.  I would still need to come home and express some milk, but throw it away (pump and dump).

On the day, I was really tired.  My baby had had her third lot of immunisations the day before and had slept fretfully.  I was shattered from the word go and then had a really busy day with Richard, my step-daughter and the baby.  I was seriously thinking I should just forget about it and get some sleep instead.  But after dinner I got my second wind and decided I would go out after all.  I had said to my friend that I’d come out and I was really looking forward to seeing her.  The issue of the formula still remained.  I felt very guilty at the prospect of giving her three consecutive formula feeds.  However, as Richard said, it’s not like she hasn’t ever had it or anything and it was just for one part of one day.  I think you do need to get a sense of proportion about these things.  My daughter is nearly 6 months old and against all odds her main source of nutrition by a long way has been breast milk.  So I really should be able to go out and  enjoy myself for one night without feeling guilty.

How was the first night out?  It was great.  I really enjoyed myself and it was lovely to see my friends and celebrate Cath’s birthday.  I was able to wear a nice dress that didn’t need to be selected for easy boob access! I wore make-up!  I drank booze! Only 3 drinks, mind, and I did feel really rather tipsy being a complete lightweight these days.  Although I missed  Richard and my little one, it was great to be out and to enjoy a little time to myself.  So, if you’re feeling nervous or guilty about going out for the first time, then please don’t.  If you’re ready to go out, you’ll know and you will enjoy yourself.